Monday, 7 August 2017

Itinerary for France 2017 with APT

We're leav-ing..... on a jet plane..... sure hope that we are back again....

We're gearing up for our five nights in Nice, and then APT's 22 day Best of France: Arles to Bordeaux (EUFC22) river cruising. We'll be connecting up with the Barrows and the Todds, and looking forward to a relaxing trip (I won't be answering my phone, so if you need me, you'll have to email). I sure hope we're NOT heading into the 40C that some areas of southern Europe are experiencing at the moment!

You can download a pdf and follow the APT itinerary, though the formatting is not brilliant. 

I hope you'll subscribe to this blog by email, for updates every 24 hours. I'll do my best to keep you up to date - this really is my diary. I know you're not all interested in the gluten-free meal aspect of my holidays, but those of you who ARE gluten-free, will be watching with interest.

I may be limited as to how many photos I can put in a post, but usually come back and add more and format them better upon our return home. I will also dump more photos on Facebook, but I may not take the time to actually say where they are from. It will depend on how good our internet access is, and what I am doing in the evenings!

Anyway, I hope you can enjoy the journey with us - virtually!

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