Wednesday, 3 June 2009

We're Home!

Home to a sunny, 'warm' 9 degrees. We got our bags quickly, picked up some duty free goods, and went straight through customs (even with me declaring some gluten free food and them scanning our bags), grabbed a taxi, and were home in 15 minutes. Amazing! Just driving home reminds us of what a fabulous city this is to live in. Home Sweet Home!

I have now added photos to the Venice and Dubai albums, and created a new Food album and added photos to it too. I'd like to point out that I LOST WEIGHT on this holiday! All that walking and the heat.... and David stayed about the same (in spite of his big, bready lunches that he wouldn't let me photograph, and occasional four courses at night). I'll add more photos to the Crown Princess album tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this blog, and sharing the journey with us!

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