Sunday, 26 April 2009

Countdown clock added

Added a countdown clock on the blog today.... not long now! We've been planning this trip since August 2008!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Getting ready to go!

I hate to think how many hours I’ve spent getting organised! Still lots to do. And don’t talk to me about my packing list!!!

Busy organising my cell phone, contact details, calendar items, frozen food, gluten free meals, planning for Michelle, confirming bookings and tours. Am yet to plan out each day in London and Rome - better get back into those guide books. Have faxed Princess about my gluten free meals, better do the same for Emirates and British Airways. Still trying to sort out my Vodaphone plan so I don’t get unnecessary charges - I hate how they charge for you to get their help now. Finalising how many people will join us for my tour in Naples. Have confirmed accommodation in London, Rome, Venice - will check out Dubai later. Better make doctor’s appointment for next week to get all medication listed and signed for.